Case Study: Young Adult Dependent Program
Published: July 22, 2021
After her son graduated high school and before he left for college, Beth began to worry about things, as all mothers do. What would happen if her son, Sean, had an accident while away at school? What if he came down with an illness that required hospitalization? How would she and her husband be able to speak for him, now that he was legally an adult if he were unable to speak for himself? These are very common concerns for any parent and after some slight prodding, she finally convinced Sean to speak to the team at Scott Bloom Law in order to utilize our Young Adult Dependent Program.
Luckily, Sean was receptive and responsible and came to us understanding the importance of giving his parents certain rights in the case he was incapacitated. While very few young adults at his age like to think in these terms, Sean understood the importance of granting his parents certain powers that would allow them to make decisions with his best interests at heart. We sat down with Sean and educated him on the various options available to him. We described the importance of having the proper legal documents in place that would allow his parents the power to get all relevant information from medical professionals in the case he was incapacitated. Besides the medical benefits of this, Sean understood that there could be long-term financial burdens placed upon him if he were to be hospitalized for an extended period of time. Having his loving parents looking out for him could help lessen these burdens. In the end, we were able to draft all of the relevant paperwork needed and Sean was able to set off into the next chapter of his life with the knowledge that were something to happen to him, those who loved him most had the ability to speak for him. Needless to say, his parents were both relieved that these precautions were put into place.
The team at Scott Bloom Law is pleased to introduce our Young Adult Dependent Program, specifically developed to help you as you enter legal adulthood. Being prepared for any crises that may arise as you enter adulthood allows for peace of mind for you and your family. Having the proper paperwork in place now can help you avoid undue stress in the future should an unexpected crisis arise. Contact the team at Scott Bloom Law to schedule a free consultation and to find out how we can help you make the most of your independence.