News & Resources: Blog: Estate Planning

News & Resources: Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Contesting a Will: The Process

When a loved one dies with a will, it specifies who shall receive their property and who will be in charge of settling their estate (called the executor). For many reasons, beneficiaries can feel slighted by what they did or didn’t receive, and some individuals are entirely excluded from inheriting anything at all. The legal […]

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How Important It Is to Have a Will

According to a survey, the percentage of those with a will continues to decline, 33 percent in 2021 versus 42 percent in 2017. The COVID-19 pandemic sees one in three people understanding the greater need for a will, but 31 percent of those acknowledging the need, did nothing about it. Spikes in new cases […]

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Estate Planning for Nontraditional Families

The practice of estate planning is evolving due to changing family structures. As recently as thirty years ago, a traditional family comprised a husband and wife who married young, purchased a home, had children, and worked toward financial stability and security. In 1949, 79.8 percent of American households were married couples, but in 2021 that […]

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Planning for the Surviving Spouse’s Estate

Upon losing a spouse or long-time partner, it can be challenging to consider other matters besides grief. However, it is crucial to understand there are important and timely decisions you need to make regarding your finances and personal estate plan. In truth, estate planning is perpetual as it accounts for changes in marriages, deaths, divorces, […]

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Living Trusts: How They Can Benefit Seniors

Seniors are often the target of fraud and financial abuse. That’s why it’s important that planning is in place to help seniors protect themselves and their assets. As we age, it can become increasingly difficult to manage our assets. Most of us will, at some point, need assistance with these details to help ensure that […]

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Planning an Estate for Blended Families

Today’s American families commonly have stepchildren, and they are treated as if they were full biological children, even in cases of inheritance. This is particularly true where stepchildren are part of a blended family from an early age. Biological siblings may have different feelings about a stepchild inheriting what they perceive is theirs as a […]

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An Overview of Powers of Attorney (POA)

Estate planning involves implementing Power of Attorney (POA) documents. All states recognize powers of attorney, but rules and requirements will differ from state to state. The document gives one or more individuals the legal authority to act as your agent or proxy on your behalf. Depending on which POA you choose, the agent’s power may […]

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Knowing the Probate Process Whether You Have a Will or Not

Almost everyone knows about the probate process, which takes place in probate court after someone passes away, and they are aware that it takes place after someone dies. Unfortunately, fewer people know that it can be a long and complicated process. It can sometimes take months, or even years, to complete. The Probate Process The […]

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Understanding Special Needs Trusts

In general, a trust is a financial arrangement in which property or assets are managed for someone else’s benefit. The person or entity who manages the trust is known as the “trustee” and is entrusted with the responsibility of making decisions in the best interest of the person who benefits from the trust, known as […]

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Scott Bloom Law News & Resources Links

How Does Estate Planning Work with Multiple Homes?

For many people in the Philadelphia and South Jersey region, owning a second home is a dream come true. Whether ‘down the shore or ‘up the mountains’, some folks seek to own a second property to be closer to family, for professional purposes, for leisure, or as an investment. Whatever the circumstances, owning more than […]

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CLIENT Testimonial

Dear Scott - Thank you for a job well done. I've settled the estate with my siblings. I also remitted my executor's fee to the children of my deceased sister. Thanks again for all you do!
- Estate of Fay B., Cranbury, New Jersey