Crisis Management: It’s Not Too Late
Published: March 18, 2021
At Scott Bloom Law, we are always encouraging families to plan ahead when it comes to the eldercare needs for their loved ones and themselves. However, we understand that when an unexpected crisis arises, immediate action is required. During these highly stressful times, the decisions made carry immense consequences for the elderly and their families. Recognizing the signs of an imminent crisis and understanding the options available once time becomes of the essence, allows families to find the best possible solutions. Utilizing the guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable elder law attorney allows families, confronted with so much at once, to make rational decisions with short-term and long-term considerations accounted for. In this blog, we look at signs that your elderly loved one may be on the brink of a crisis and how an elder law attorney can help with crisis management.
Signs of Trouble
The unfortunate truth for us all is that at some point we will be unable to help ourselves with life’s daily functions. The ability to complete the mundane, everyday tasks, that in our younger days we may have taken for granted, at some point becomes too difficult and, all too often, requires immediate action. Here are some of the most common signs that your elderly loved one may be on the brink of a crisis:
- They are struggling to maintain their physical health– Are your parents or elderly loved ones forgetting to regularly bathe? Do they pay little to no attention to their hair, nails, skin? These physical signs may be a sign of a deeper issue.
- They are no longer able to handle their finances- Are overdue bills or the lack of a balanced checkbook putting your loved one in financial trouble? These issues need to be addressed immediately to prevent further financial penalties.
- They begin forgetting names, dates, even what year it is- Have they forgotten the names of people they have known for years? Are they no longer able to recall momentous life events? These signs of memory slippage could portend to larger neurological issues that need the proper care.
- They no longer take care of their living space- Are dust and cobwebs prominent in their home? Are dishes piled up often and dirty clothes unattended to? These are definite red flags that steps are needed to be taken.
How an Elder Law Attorney Can Help with Crisis Management
At Scott Bloom Law, our team treats every crisis situation with a customized plan that ensures that all issues are being properly addressed. All of our clients come to us with a unique set of problems and at different points in the timeline of their crisis. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions. Careful consideration must take place to find the appropriate next steps that enable families and their elderly loved ones to be in as comfortable a position as possible. After listening to your concerns and learning about your particular issues, we develop a crisis plan specifically tailored to your current needs, with an eye towards what other issues may arise in the future. When it comes to crisis management, you and your loved ones deserve to be advocated for by a compassionate and knowledgeable legal team.
At Scott Bloom Law, we are a team of advocates who care, always fighting for what’s best for our clients and their families. With knowledge, experience, and compassion, we strive to find solutions that make the aging process as emotionally and financially easy as possible. Serving Pennsylvania and South Jersey, visit us at or call 215-364-1111, to schedule a free consultation.