SCOTT BLOOM – Attorney at Law Bio
Scott Bloom has been an attorney since graduating Widener University School of Law in 1996. He started his firm for the purpose of helping people with family law, elder law and estate planning issues. The firm prides itself on providing a personal touch to help individuals and families. Scott is also here to help you with your medicaid planning. Furthermore, he is accredited by the Veterans Administration and is able to prepare Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefits applications.
Scott is licensed to practice law in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He has offices in both locations and will routinely meet with clients at their home or where your senior family member is currently residing. Scott has found that coming to you helps reduce or remove the pressure of bringing a mom and/or dad to the the law office.
From our home to yours, the Law Office of Scott D. Bloom is here to help in whatever legal and supportive way possible.
New Jersey State Bar Association
* Elder and Disability Law Section
* Real Property, Trusts and Estates Section
US Department of Veterans Affairs Attorney Accreditation – 2013
J.D. – Widener University School of Law, Wilmington, Delaware – 1996
Licensed: State of Pennsylvania – 1996
Licensed: State of New Jersey – 1996
B.S. Finance and Economics – Temple University 1993
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