News & Resources: Blog

Choosing a Trustee

Scott Bloom Law Trustee Blog

CHOOSING A TRUSTEE Since the role of a trustee carries significant financial and administrative responsibilities careful thought should be put into choosing who will perform that role for you. THESE ARE SOME OF THE SKILLS AND TRAITS TO LOOK FOR IN A TRUSTEE: Intelligence. Your trustee needs to be able to handle a variety tasks–financial, […]

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What is a Trustee?

Scott Bloom Law Trustee Blog

WHAT IS A TRUSTEE? A trustee is legally designated to administer and manage a trust. A TRUSTEE IS APPOINTED BY A GRANTOR A trustee is appointed by the person(s) creating the trust, called the grantor(s). Co-trustees may also be appointed, so there may be multiple persons, with equal legal responsibility, managing a trust. A trustee […]

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